Sunday, August 9, 2015

House Keys

We actually received letter to collect keys and house check a week before Eid. As we know we need to pay for outstanding interest, we called the developer and postponed the appointment after Eid. Rayakan nak pakai duit, kalau amik kunci before Eid, tak beraya la kami haha.

So right after Eid, we went to developer office which is just across my workplace. Received the keys and few forms to fill. Pay the outstanding interest. Alhamdulillah, our interest outstanding are among the lowest since we opted for bank housing loan. Siapa yang pakai government loan sure kena interest sampai beribu. I heard ada yang kena bayar up to RM3,500.00 sebab BPP lewat 2 months *cries*

Anyway, we went to check the house with the developer on the same day. We try all keys for all doors and took a quick tour around the house. Before leave, they told us to list down all the defects and we need to return the defect form within 2 weeks. 

Quick glance, there is small cracks here and there but we decided to do it another day. We need to spend atleast an hour to check every crack and rough surfaces. 

Phew. Boleh bayangkan check rumah dalam keadaan takde kipas, takde angin ni. Sure berpeluh haha



  1. Woot woot dh dpt kunci! Been there done that. Tp u nsb baik lg sbb xde kene bwk bdk kcik. Bole bertenanggg je check d whole house. I dlu dgn kr perghh tension nk check dgn bwk si hannah tu. phew.. Anyway keep updating! Suke tgk idea deco u. I xpndai huhu

  2. Check rumah ni menduga iman betul. Kalau ada budak kecik mesti lagi huru hara haha. Insyallah, we do it slowly sebab tight budget hihihi. Btw, I miss reading blogs and baru last week cari balik all blogs yang I selalu baca and found yours. Rupanya I subscribe your old blog haha. Sabar je laaa :D
